3B Scientific offers a large range of pediatric and adult auscultation trainers and simulators for clinical skill training in medical education.
This simulator allows training of the auscultation of various heart and lung sounds as in a real patient. The instructor can select various conditions by a wireless remote control. When the student has identified the correct auscultation sites by palpating, the heart and lung sounds can be heard by using a special Stethoscope (SmartScope™). The simulator has 6 heart sites and 2 lung sites on the anterior and 16 lung sites on the posterior. One remote control can operate multiple sets of SmartScopes™ and manikins simultaneously so that this simulator is also great for group instruction. Remote control works over a range of up to 30 meters. The simulator is supplied in a storage case and comes with one remote control and one SmartScope™ with single- and dual-user headpieces. Operates using three “AAA” batteries (included).
Heart sounds: 1) Normal 2) Aortic regurgitation 3) Pulmonary stenosis 4) Mitral stenosis 5) Holosystolic 6) Mid-systolic 7) S3 Gallop 8) S4 Gallop 9) Systolic click 10) Atrial septal defect 11) PDA 12) VSD
Lung sounds: 1) Normal tracheal 2) Normal vesicular 3) Wheezes 4) Mono wheeze 5) Fine crackle 6) Coarse crackle 7) Ronchi crackle 8) Stridor 9) Cavernous 10) Bronchovesicular 11) Bronchial 12) Pulmonary edema 13. Infant 14. Friction rub 15. Egophony 16. Pectoriloquy