CAE Maestro Software Sole Source

CAE Healthcare Inc. is the sole source manufacturer of the Maestro operating software for CAE patient simulators. Maestro software is an instructor-driven software that is only compatible with operating CAE patient simulators. Maestro is also the only software that offers CAE Physiology, a proprietary technology that generates automatic patient responses to scenarios and interventions based […]

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Features and tech specs

Distance learning capabilities with CAE Maestro Evolve

Access your simulator, equipment, clinical scenarios and assessment tools on one platform

Engage learners with facilitator-led group learning experiences that emulate on-premises, simulator-based experiences

Configure limitless base patients, from healthy to severely ill, and observe as the physiology responds automatically to interventions while you focus on teaching

Invest in a distance learning platform with predictable costs that will scale and grow with your education and training needs

CAE Maestro Evolve is a subscription-based virtual learning platform.